Hard choices can be easy, and easy choices can be hard. So, what's the difference?
An easy choice = one option is clearly better than the other.
A hard choice = One option is good in one way, the other option good in other ways. But there's no clear cut answer. They're not equal, but one option also doesn’t outweigh the other.
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Thank You, 22
These words are not all mine, but they are little life lessons that have kept me going these last 22 years. Like all things in life, these are bound to change, but for now, these are some truths that align with every cell in my being. It is my hope, if nothing else, they help you look inside and ask yourself what you align with. What words have helped you on your own path. And at the very least, reflect on how far you have come and what life has taught you thus far.
1. Time heals absolutely everything.
2. You are not a tree. if you don't like where you are, move.
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Asking for what you need is not needy. Its human. Its real. We now live in a world where independence is praised. But the truth? We need people. We need people that can show up for us, and that we can show up for. But no one is a mind reader, and no one will know what you need or how to show up for you if you don’t tell them.
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