Thank You, 22
Its hard to summarize my entire year of 22 in a few words. But if i had to, it would be Transformational. Magical. Life-altering. I learned self-love isn’t selfish. I learned to step towards myself and not away. To trust my gut. To follow my bliss. To always approach things through love and not fear. To never fear the unknown. To be the best version of myself even if that may seem differently to others. This year I’ve broke a few hearts, had my own heart broken, but every time my heart never closed, it cracked open a little more. I can truly look at every situation and be truly grateful for all the heartache and hurt. It definitely wasn’t all hurt. There were so many blissful moments I was intoxicated with pure happiness.
These words are not all mine, but they are little life lessons that have kept me going these last 22 years. Like all things in life, these are bound to change, but for now, these are some truths that align with every cell in my being. It is my hope, if nothing else, they help you look inside and ask yourself what you align with. What words have helped you on your own path. And at the very least, reflect on how far you have come and what life has taught you thus far.
1. Time heals absolutely everything.
2. You are not a tree. if you don't like where you are, move.
3. If you don't know which direction to turn in life ask yourself “what would I choose if my decision didn’t affect anyone else but me”
4. Not everything has to be black & white. learn to live in the grey.
5. “At your best you will never be great enough for the wrong person. And at your worst you will still be worth it to the right person”
6. Having needs isn’t needy. It’s human
7. When you find the purpose in your pain, it makes the pain worthwhile.
8. You teach people how to treat you.
9. People will love you, people will hate you, and none of it will have anything to do with you.
10. Indecision is a decision.
11. You create your own reality. Your thoughts become things.
12. Quick to listen, slow to speak. Always, but especially in an argument.
13. Walls keep people out, boundaries show people where the door is.
14. Money comes, and money goes; don’t be cheap.
15. Forcing things never ever ever works.
16. There is a season for everything. People will come in and out of your life constantly. Friendships fade. Thank them for coming into your life and let them go with love.
17. How do you know when to let something go? Is it an equal exchange of energy? Are you getting as much out of it as you're putting into it? (relationships, jobs, friendships, obligations)
18. Stop saying yes to shit you hate !!!!
19. Paying for convenience is always worth it.
20. Spending money on your health is always money well spent (gym memberships, organic food, good sneakers, mattresses, pillows)
21. You can’t get yesterday back today. My stepdad told me this recently when I decided to be in a bad mood for 3 days in a row lol.
22. Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you have. Invest in it and love the person you have to lie in bed with each night.